The AiM Education Journey

AiM Path | Finding Centre

AiM Educational Pathway

Our intention at AiM is to be able to take Gary Ward’s teachings online and grow the amount of information and education available over time.  We believe in education for all and hope to make it accessible to as many people as possible. We know that our live courses are unable to offer that accessibility far and wide and current challenges for putting these live courses on prompt the perfect time to make sure that our online offerings provide an outstanding education platform to build on.

Above you can see the pathway that we intend to build, this may change slightly as we go, but in the main is the intended plan of action. Currently you either have not started OR you have climbed onto the first step, some of you are ready for the next step, and some have got lost on the way, remaining stranded on the first step. This visual is a metaphorical “You are here” sign on a map.

Closed Chain Biomechanics of the Lower Limb is the first step on the ladder. Biomechanics of the Upper Body in Motion is the next step and both are currently available to purchase as a bundle. Both of these will be a required 100% pass rate to gain access to the rest of the courses. All of which still need to be produced and filmed. We are aiming for our next level of educational input – the Flow Motion Model – to be ready by April 2022.

The material in these courses, while on the face of it seem easy and straight forward, will take a lot of revisiting and putting into practice as well as using to explore in your own body. So in my opinion there is no rush – even though I know you would love to rush it through and access all materials as soon as possible. Along the way we will utilise our AiM mentors to offer workshop based as well as online support for your journey with us.

We thank you for your support and patience and commitment to learning this wonderful body of work.

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