Our online programmes are the quickest way to begin learning the ground breaking work of Gary Ward & Anatomy in Motion, taking you from the important fundamentals of Closed Chain Biomechanics to the Flow Motion Model. The three online programmes, ‘Lower Limb’, ‘Upper Body’ and ‘Assessments’, equate to doing Phase 2 of the in person course. With successful completion of these courses you will be eligible to enrol into Phase 3 which is the online Flow Motion Model course.

Finally Gary Ward’s Flow Motion Model Course is available for all to study, learn, embody and use in your bodywork environment.
This course includes:
- Phase 2- Closed Chain Biomechanics :
- Closed Chain Biomechanics of the Lower Limb
- Biomechanics of the Upper Body in Motion
- Lower & Upper Body Assessments in the Closed Chain
- Phase 3- The Flow Motion Model:
- The Flow Motion Model
- Flow motion Model plus
- And if you purchase the whole course in one bundle – a bonus 4x FREE LIVE courses taught by Gary in a classroom environment
You can buy the FLOW MOTION MODEL COURSE as a stand alone product (scroll down) or as part of the Full Course Bundle. We advise that you start with the Phase 2 courses in the order stated above for the best results and the smoothest transition through the course.

Phase 2 includes 3x Online programmes:
This is where to start if you aren’t ready to jump right in to the whole course
- Closed Chain Biomechnics of the Lower Limb
- Biomechanics of the Upper Body in Motion
- Lower & Upper Body Assessments
These courses cover all of the joint mechanics, muscle reactions and joint integrations that come together to form key shapes in the body, critical for efficient and optimal movement through the gait cycle. Later we will see in the Flow Motion Model course exactly how these joint motions and body shapes come together to create a flowing, efficient and effortless gait. The latest addition is the assessment piece where Gary assesses a real person and ties together the two main programmes.
Supported by video, PDF manuals, first class anatomcial illustrations, quizzes and awarding CPD / CEU points for most awarding bodies.
This is your opportunity to learn the foundtions of the Flow Motion Model in your own space and time. Enjoy!

Phase 3 follows Phase 2:
In this fourth online programme Gary creates an environment for students to go through the steps he went through in order to build his Flow Motion Model. The course introduces the theory and philosophy that backs up the Model, introduces the key concepts upon which the Model is founded and understood and guides you through a phase by phase process for unravelling the optimal movement journey of each and every joint and structure in three dimensions through a single footstep… a journey that lasts 0.6 to 0.8 seconds. Together we will walk through the model and observe real gait analysis to see the model come to life. When you bring your assessment and joint mechanics insight from the first three programmes and combine with the Flow Motion Model, you will begin to see which phases a person is dominant in and which phases they struggle to access which will guide us toward specific movement solutions for individuals seeking help with their body.

FMM PLUS – Advanced Lessons
This Flow Motion Model Plus course is a top up to the Flow Motion Model course. Only recomended if you have been studying the FMM for a while or have completed the Flow Motion Model online course. Without which there will be reduced value in this course, as it layers all the way up from the first Lower Limb course. It covers some of the finer details in the model.

Closed Chain Biomechanics of the Lower Limb LIVE CLASSROOM
Filmed in front of a Live classroom audience, Gary guides students through the Closed Chain Biomechanics of the Lower Limb course material over two days, including:
- Philosophy and thought process for working with the body in motion and in the closed chain
- Closed Chain Biomechancis of the foot, ankle, knee, hip & pelvis
- Muscle overlay and interaction
- Assessments of the Lower Limb and interations
- Wedge usage
- Corrective Movement Solutions

Biomechanics of the Upper Body in Motion LIVE CLASSROOM
Filmed in front of a Live classroom audience, Gary guides students through the Biomechanics of the Upper Body in Motion course material over two days, including:
- Philosophy and thought process for working with the body in motion and in the closed chain
- Closed Chain Biomechancis of the pelvis, lumbar spine, thoracic spine, ribcage, cervical spine, skull and arm mechanics
- Muscle overlay and interaction
- Assessments of the Upper Body
- Corrective Movement Solutions

Filmed in front of a Live classroom audience, Gary guides students through the Flow Motion Model course material over 4 days, including:
- Philosophy and thought process behind the Flow Motion Model
- Foot mechanics and how they set the base for the Flow Motion Model
- Building the 7 phases of the Flow Motion Model
- Walking through the Model
- Using the Model to observe and interact with the human body
- Gait analysis and corrective work
- Movement, exercises and approaches to working with the model

Upper & Lower Assessments for FMM students LIVE CLASSROOM
Filmed in front of a Live classroom audience, Gary guides students through the Upper and Lower Body assessments in the context of the Flow Motion Model over 2 days, including:
- Philosophy and thought processes behind assessment
- Assments of the foot, ankle, knee, hip, pelvis, spine, ribcgae and skull
- Cross referring to the 7 phases of the Flow Motion Model to discover What’s missing and making association with related areas in the model
- Using the Model to observe and interact with the human body
- Gait analysis and corrective work
- More movement, exercises and approaches to working with the model
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