Home of the Flow Motion Model

We educate professionals in the AiM Method both live and online and provide self help guidance for people in pain and discomfort to take ownership of their own body. Gary mapped the movement of the whole body through a single footstep – his Flow Motion Model. The model defines all possible joint relationships that your body needs to be able to access to uncover optimal, efficent and free flowing movement. Our self-help programmes guide you to explore this for yourself and for professionals we teach the Model and the AiM method for you to use in your practice.


Gary Ward’s Flow Motion Model is now available to purchase and study online. Once you have completed the Closed Chain Lower Limb and Upper Body in Motion courses, you will now be ready to delve into the Flow Motion Model. This model is, in essence, what Gary is know for, and why people have travelled around the world to learn from him. The model itself is the description of the journey of every single bone and joint in the human body through a single footstep. A journey of 0.6 – 0.8 seconds in which every bone and joint must make use of all of it’s potential in all directions and all three dimensions in order to have efficeint and effortless movement. The Flow Motion Model is a map to help you navigate the carnage and see things more clearly as you take on the challenege of working with the Human Body in motion.

The Flow Motion Model Course


In this complementary ebook you have the opportunity to take ownership of your body’s physical (and systemic) wellbeing while also learning the truth about human movement and using the principles on both yourself and your clients. I urge you to take responsibility and ownership of your education as well as your body. It’s your finest guide for learning about the subject of anatomy and is also the vehicle you were given to explore life with.

Download now

Navigate this Webiste

Garys’ approach has always been that by educating practitioners, he would be able to benefit more people in the long run than if he was to work individually in a clinical setting. As a visitor to this site you may be here either to seek help for your own body or to follow our online educational programmes and learn the AiM method. Here we offer online help for your body, which is educational, informative and designed to help you understand your body better and get you moving in a new, innovative and empowering way. Visit the Wake Your Body Up tab and make the most of the available programmes: Wake Your Feet Up, Wake Your Body Up and the Wake Your Body Up Movement Series. Gary’s book What The Foot? Has always been a precursor to every course and remains the first port of call that we recommend for anybody who wants to find out more about this work. After many years of travelling around the world enhancing the skillsets of professional bodyworkers, Gary is now creating online education programmes for people to learn the AiM method. Pease visit the AiM education tab to find out more. Our educational pathway that Gary has planned for you in order to take you on a journey from reading What The Foot to learning the in’s and out’s of Gary’s whole model is available to learn in three formats now: Online courses in your own time and space, Online classrooms to be guided and challenged by a teacher and of course Live and In-Person classrooms with one of our expereicned AiM Teachers. Along the way there will be support options available with our AiM Teachers. Please also enjoy the podcasts, make to sure to watch Gary help Ray understand and work with 30 years of back pain on the BBC and finally if you are looking for further help with your body, please take a look for a professional bodyworker who has invested time and money training in the AiM methods.

You can get started straight away:

👣 Access the free ebook here

👣 Have a read of Gary’s book What The Foot? (or download a free chapter)

👣 Find out what Anatomy in Motion is here 👣 Discover the Flow Motion Model here

👣 Get started with our self-assessment programmes for Everyone

👣 As a professional bodyworker, choose between Online and LIVE Educational to suit your goals, plans and lifestyle

“The aim of any therapeutic work undertaken is never to enter into an “I fix you : you fix me” relationship. The intention of the AiM method is simple: to help you to bring your own body into alignment and create an environment in which the healing can begin. The human body is the ultimate healer – a title belonging to no therapist.”

Blocks and bones | Finding Centre

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