Take Ownership of your own body and buy all three Wake Your Body up Programmes for 20% off (and get FREE access to the digital version of What The Foot)
SIGN UP TO WAKE YOUR BODY UP!Wouldn’t you like to know exactly how you hold yourself in your body? How your posture affects how you move? And even how both together could be contributing to your problems today?
‘Wake Your Body Up!’ is largely about the upper body, your posture and movement of your pelvis, spine, ribcage, neck and skull. The “Wake Your Body Up” series follows on from the work I did with Dr. Rangan Chatterjee in his book “The 4 Pillar Plan” where I am featured in a section of the Movement chapter called “Wake up your Sleepy Glutes!”; This is a much deeper look into what you can do to wake up your whole inter-connected body; it is also an opportunity for you to begin a self-enquiry into your own physical condition and begin to make sense of what has been happening to you and your body over the years. After all you are the sum of everything you have done in your life to date. Many people tell me they have lost hope or been abandoned by their therapists. I find this both hard to believe and sad. However, it might just be time to take some personal responsibility, take some ownership of your own body and go through a process of self-assessment and learn a new process which speaks directly to your brain and has the potential to reorganise your whole body.
SIGN UP TO WAKE YOUR FEET UP!Do you have painful feet? Problems in the lower legs that you cannot overcome despite following conventional practices and even trying orthotics with little improvement?
Wouldn’t you like to know how to assess your own feet and make good decisions around what exactly they need right now? This programme helps you understand your needs and also gives you the insight you need to begin to work with, improve and work towards having your natural foot function back.
This programme tackles the foundations on which everything is built – where the rubber hits the road if you like – enabling you to experience the lost key to long term physical change… your amazing feet. As with Wake Your Body Up, this programme really does give you a chance to learn about your feet, take ownership of your feet and most importantly take action to restore necessary movement patterns that can have far reaching effects through your whole body.
To access your AiM set of three wedges for an additional £19.99 (plus postage), you will find a link in Chapter One of the Wake Your Feet Up programme.

WYBU Movement Series
SIGN UP FOR MOVEMENT SERIESGary introduces you to some simple movement patterns to bullet proof new and missing movements earned through our Wake Up programmes: loading your muslces and mobilising your joints in sequenced arrangements to reintegrate the new movements back into your whole body
This movement Series has been put together to help people begin to explore the movements they have been assessing in the Wake Up programmes, movements that may have been missing can be explored in the first part of this movement series.
Simple, effective movements designed to bullet-proof your joint system and create a demand on your muscle system. When a person has made changes in their body, such as through the Wake Your Body Up programmes, we use bullet proofing to lock those changes in and reward your efforts with long-lasting mobility and strength in a variety of body positions and movements.

WHAT THE FOOT PDF Book & Video Companion Course
For the first time, my book What The Foot is now available in a digital format. We have created it as a course on our platform so that we could also include the What The Foot book companion videos which you will bump into throughout the book.
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