Sally Harrison

Nottingham, UK

My name is Sally. I find the human body absolutely fascinating!

I work as a physiotherapist, personal trainer and Pilates educator. In a nutshell, I love movement.
My first career was as a dancer, which came to an abrupt end in my late 20s with reconstructive knee surgery. Since then, I have been on a continuous learning journey to reduce the chronic aches and pains I live with from my dancing and exercise life, and in turn enhance my patients’ wellbeing.
In 2014, I was introduced to ‘What The Foot’ and had a private treatment session with Gary which had such an impact I jumped straight into the 6-day immersion course in 2015 when it came to Australia.

I loved this model immediately. To me it made complete sense to view the body in motion, as we are moving beings, walking on two feet. The approach of AiM aligned with my philosophy that we can take ownership of our health and recovery and not be solely reliant on others to get us out of pain.
I use the flow motion model (FMM) daily in all aspects of my work. It helps me assess and treat my patients in clinic, in my rehab classes and PT sessions, and informs my own training, yoga and dance
practice. It can be utilised easily alongside many of the other modalities I use with my patients to improve their outcome.
The FMM is an exceptional insight into holistic movement, a great assessment tool, and has certainly helped me over the years with chronic pain from a multitude of injuries from my performing days.
I’ve been working for over 22 years now in this industry and I’m still learning every day. My journey never ends as the body remains consistently fascinating to me.

For more info about me, visit Band-ITS & Strength4Dance

You can follow me on Instagram @strength4dance

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