There are two ways to learn the AiM methodology: via our Online Education Courses or in Live & in-person classrooms with the AiM teachers

In-Person Courses

In-person courses in various locations around the Globe.  Follow the 5 progressive phases of education and experience the AiM Method to achieve Mastery in this unique way of working with the Human Body.

Self Paced Online Learning

Access to online course content to complete on your own & in your own time: Study Closed Chain Biomechanics, the Flow Motion Model and the AiM Method (coming soon) with Gary.

Phase One: Finding Centre

Phase 2: Closed Chain Biomechanics

Phase 3: The Flow Motion Model

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Phase 4: The AiM Method

Phase 5: Mastery

Module 1 – Closed Chain Biomechanics Bundle

This Online learning bundle includes:
Closed Chain Biomechanics of the Lower limb; Biomechanics of the Upper Body in Motion and Assessment for Upper and Lower Body.

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The Flow Motion Model Course

Module 2 – The Flow Motion Model Online Bundle

The Flow Motion Model bundle includes all of our online courses plus a bonus of four live filmed workshops to support the online courses. This package includes our flagship course “The Flow Motion Model”

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