Here is the second quarter article that was published in the Podiatry Review magazine last month (This following on from Article One in March). This one is all about the feet and how they set the base for the Flow Motion Model. Feel so lucky to have been awarded so much space in the magazine to share my thoughts and ideas. Next quarter I write about the Flow Motion Model itself. Article 1 focusses on the principles of Anatomy in Motion, article 2 on the foot and article 3, the FMM.
Check out our online courses to dive deep and further into the information you find in these articles:
Check out our live workshops, with day workshops on the foot called Foot Foundations and my Flow Motion Model course running again in early October 2022. For those of you already established in your AiM jounrey – post FMM course – we have an application of the AiM Method course taking place in September too. Check out the live workshops below:
In summary, I discuss the foot as a tripod, The necessary movements of both pronation and supination, the movements required to graduate from being a mobile adaptor to a rigid lever, accepting the ground we stand on and proelling us forwards in our gait. I discuss the arches, key bones to condsider, the talus bone and STJ axis, movement anatomy of the foot structures and using movements as a tool for solutions in the feet.
Continue Your Flow Motion Model Journey
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👣 To learn the AiM methodology as a practitioner or to support your self-assessment programmes please check out our online Educational courses
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